LS2025 is a global forum for sharing advancements in lighting science, focusing on energy, environmental, and human welfare impacts, fostering innovation and collaboration.
The IEEE Smart Lighting World Conference is organized by the University of Monastir, in coordination with IEEE and Smart Cities Technical Community.
LS2025 aims to get together global experts to exchange around advance lighting science and technology, focusing on energy, environmental, and human welfare impacts, fostering innovation and collaboration.
The IEEE Sustainable Smart Lighting World Conference (LS2025) will take place from December 8-10, 2025, in Monastir, Tunisia.
Deadline for 2-page abstract proposals of special sessions and workshops
Opening of registration & payment
Notification of abstract acceptance and full paper submission process opens
Deadline for early registration
LS2025 in Monastir
Final (Camera-Ready) Full Paper Submission for IEEE Xplore